Float and Sauna

Floating weightlessly your body is perfectly supported by a cushion of silky skin-temperature liquid. Freed from all sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound (which together account for 90% of normal neuro-muscular activity), you conserve and redirect vast amounts of natural physical and mental energy. This ultra-deep relaxation of floating “resets” the body’s hormonal and metabolic balance, strengthening resistance to and accelerating recovery from the effects of stress, illness, injury or strenuous exercise.




First Time Float

We know that trying new things can be intimidating, so we offer a reduced rate for your first time float. Come solo or bring a friend, and dive into a fantastic world of new experiences with 60 minutes of deep relaxation and body and mind rejuvenation.

  • 60 minutes - $50 / couples $90

float and sweat

Enjoy the unique experience of deep relaxation and body and mind rejuvenation in our state of the art sensory deprivation tank with optional full spectrum sauna add on (adds $5 for sauna).

  • 60 minutes - $55 / couples $99

  • 90 minutes - $75 / couples $129

  • 120 minutes - $99 / couples $179

Just Sweat

Enjoy the healing benefits of our full spectrum infrared sauna for improved circulation and weight loss.

  • 30 minutes - $25

  • 45 minutes - $40

  • 60 minutes - $55

Prenatal float

Allow the womb-like space of the float experience to enrich your womb space. Highly therapeutic for the journey of motherhood and current body and soul aches.

  • 60 minutes - $50

signature massage and float

A happy marriage of bliss! Experience a one hour Signature Massage and a one hour float.

  • 120 minutes - $150


Things to Know Before You Float

  1. Avoid caffeine prior to the float session. Caffeine is fine after a float, but the stimulating effects can be counterproductive to the float itself.

  2. Avoid shaving your legs 12-24 hours prior to your float. Epsom salt will not harm your shaved skin, but it will make the first 5-10 minutes a little uncomfortable while your skin gets used to the salt stinging.

  3. Do not dye your hair 3 weeks prior to a float session.

  4. Eat a small meal beforehand so hunger does not distract you.

  5. You may bring a swimsuit if you wish, however most find the best way to float is “all-natural”

  6. Come in without expectations as to what will happen.

  7. We provide towels, shampoo, conditioner, earplugs, and lotion for you in the shower room.

  8. Bring a contact lens case and solution if you wear contacts.


  • If you’ve recently colored your hair, please wait a minimum of 3 weeks before floating. If you’ve chosen a bright color that bleeds, do not schedule a float until the color has fully faded. The color will damage our tanks.

  • No swimming suit is required unless you choose; you will have total privacy.

  • There is a shower in the float house to use before and after your float session; we provide shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner. You may wish to bring a comb or brush and any other personal products you require. A hairdryer is provided.

  • We do not offer shower caps, water can get in them. If you’d like to keep your hair dry you may bring a swim cap, though the sensation on your head will not allow you the full benefit of sensory deprivation.

  • There is no music provided; for the maximum benefit of sensory deprivation, music is not recommended. However, those who wish to use their own phone for music are of course welcome to choose that.

  • Although a float session can be very nurturing and supportive for healing, no open wounds are allowed. Trust us, the salt won’t feel good!

  • The float tanks have a filtration system that cycles 4 times every 15 minutes. Additionally, we treat the water every night with enzymes and highly potent hydrogen peroxide and scrub the tanks regularly. With nearly 1000 lbs. of Epsom salt per tank, you can relax knowing that your float session will be bacteria-free (the salt content is similar to the Dead Sea). The water will have a silky feel due to the salt.

  • The water temperature is approximately 96 degrees, the same temperature as your skin. Floating is not intended to be a warm bath, but to prevent feeling chilly while your body acclimates we recommend NOT taking TOO HOT of a shower beforehand.

  • Our float pods do not have attendant call buttons.

More about Floating


Unless you are an astronaut, this is the only situation you will encounter where your body is free from the harmful forces of gravity. Every single muscle in the body is allowed to totally relax, with ear plugs in and, if you wish, the tank’s interior lights off, the quietness and the darkness allow the mind to drift into the deepest state of relaxation possible.

The buoyancy created by the dense Epsom-salt solution effectively removes the effects of gravity on the body and brings the individual close to an experience of total weightlessness. A huge amount of brain power is used every second in order to deal with the strain that gravity places on one’s body. As the body is now totally supported, and external stimuli are reduced there is nothing for the brain to do and every muscle is allowed to relax completely.

With no commands needing to be sent out, the logical side of the brain is rendered redundant, and its activity slows down until it synchronizes with the creative side. This leaves the individual in a dream-like state, akin to the thoughts experienced just before you go to sleep. In this state, the brain releases vast amounts of endorphins.

While the state of relaxation may be deep and profound, the individual’s brain stays dreamily alert. To get technical, the brain gradually shifts from its usual “alpha” state to generate theta waves, the state of mind that Buddhist monks try to reach through hours of meditation and years of training. You can achieve this in a matter of minutes just by lying back into the silky warm sea of bliss that is the floatation experience!