NEW patient Acupuncture visit (18+)- $140

New patient appointment is 90 minutes. During this time you’ll have a consultation with Stephanie followed by the acupuncture session. She’ll combine the traditional medical technique of acupuncture with energy work and cupping to address your health concerns, help relieve tension, increase overall well-being, ease muscle discomfort and reduce pain in your body. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain, it's also highly effective in addressing immunological problems, athletic injuries, and assisting with fertility.


follow-up acupuncture session (18+)- $85

After your initial visit, your acupuncturist will work with you to determine if 45 minutes or 60 minutes is most beneficial for you and work with you to create treatment plans as needed.


new patient children & adolescent - $95

In a new patient appointment for children and adolescents, Stephanie meets with you and your child to get an understanding of their health journey so far. Afterwards, she’ll do a treatment which includes needles and potentially cupping (for older children) or Tei Shin tools (for younger children, these tools do not puncture the skin).


Follow-up session adolescent (10+) - $60

At the end of the initial appointment, Stephanie will work with you and your child to determine how often or frequently follow-up appointments are needed. This appointment is traditionally 30 minutes.


Follow-up session children (9 and under) - $40

At the end of the initial appointment, Stephanie will work with you and your child to determine how often or frequently follow-up appointments are needed. This appointment is traditionally 15 minutes.


90 min. couples acupuncture- $165 - CALL TO SCHEDULE

Couple's Acupuncture is a treatment where both you and your partner can receive acupuncture in the same session. Working with one therapist, both individuals will take part in a session that may include cupping, energy work or any other modality that works for each individual. There is no need for you to book back-to-back appointments to accommodate scheduling conflicts because both of your treatments can be completed in one visit.

Please call to schedule or email our acupuncturist, Stephanie, at